Promote Intrinsic Motivation in the Classroom

Motivation in Classroom
Intrinsic motivation is the desire to take task because it is interesting and more enjoyable rather than getting a reward. In other words, intrinsic motivation means that students are motivated to learn and engage in the academic work because it encourages them to seek knowledge and complete the tasks instead of completing the assignments or projects only to get better grades from teachers. There are some assignment writing service providers which are reliable and much helpful for students to complete their writing tasks. The grades for completing a task, inappropriate way and for passing courses are referred as extrinsic motivators.

Teachers can take numerous steps to build the intrinsic motivation in the classroom that can help students to engage in their education for long periods. Teachers can build intrinsic motivation through understanding the personal interests of the students, their weaknesses and strengths and motivating factors. They should be able to learn the motivating factors of the students to the possible extent for the number of students in the class. Teachers should talk to students and facilitate them classroom discussion in order to understand why students complete those activities that they are required to complete. What motivates them to complete the task and engage in reading, activities or hobbies that they are not required to do.

Teachers should set some specific goals for the students and make a clear outline of those goals so that students can exactly understand what is required or expected from them. Teachers should make it clear to the students that success is not guaranteed but it can be possible to get if you are willing and determined to put forth a quality effort and potential. Teachers should access the qualities of the students and their strengths and convey them to students so that they can better understand themselves. Teachers should tell students that efforts are completely under their control. They can put as much effort as they want to get the success or achieve their goal.

Teachers can promote intrinsic motivation by introducing a particular topic to the students and convey them enough information regarding the topic in engaging manner in order to help them comprehend that it may be interesting and personally rewarding to explore further topics. Teachers should create the lessons plans to increase the appetite of students to learn. This method will help to encourage or motivate students to take an assignment of a particular topic in order to explore more about the topic instead of completing it only for getting good grades.

Teachers should encourage an environment of learning that nurtures both the cooperative learning and independent learning as part of the group. Teachers should apply numerous classroom situations to the practical activities so that students can easily recognize how academic skills can help to handle the social situations. Arrange assignments and lesson plans in such a way that allows students to make some kind of choice in their work. Students should be allowed to take assignments of their own choice rather than forcing them to complete a particular assignment. Intrinsic motivation can be improved by allowing students to make some choice to take assignments that they can finish individually.
Albert Barkley

Hello, my name is Albert Barkley. I am working as education consultant with a UK based firm after completion of my PhD. I like to write on different social, tech and education trends.

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